Weekly Chest CasesArchive of Old Cases

Case No : 231 Date 2002-03-30

  • Courtesy of Dong-Wook Sung, M.D., Sang-Won Kim, M.D., Suck Ki Chang, M.D. / Kyunghee University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • Age/Sex 23 / M
  • Chief ComplaintFever, cough, and dyspnea for 10 days On immunosupressive therapy for 3 months after renal transplantation
  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3
  • Figure 4

Diagnosis With Brief Discussion

Cryptococcosis in a Patient with Renal Transplantation
Radiologic Findings
Chest x-ray shows ill-defined mass-like consolidation on LUL with eccentric cavitation or air-lucency. Chest CT shows 3.5 x 2cm sized nodule on left upper apicoposterior segment. Spiculated irregular border and peripheral cavity is visible within the nodule. Mediastinal lymph nodes are enlarged on perivascular area. Multiple lymph nodes are seen on prevascular, AP window, right paratracheal and subcarinal areas(not-shown).

The diagnosis of cryptococcal pneumonia was made by transthoracic needle aspiration and culture for the parenchymal lesion.
Brief Review
# Etiology : cryptococcus neoformans
# Epidemiology : worldwide distribution in soil and especially that containing pigeon & avian droppings
# Route of infection : inhalation of spores of fungus
# Principal involved sites : lung, CNS, blood, skin, bone, joints & prostate
# Clinical manifestations :
Cryptococcal infection can develop in both immunocompetent & immunocompromised hosts, but it may result in severe, disseminated disease in immunocompromised patients. Approximately one third of patients are asymptomatic, whereas the rest symptoms range from mild cough and low grade fever to acute, febrile, life-threatening condition, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome in compromised hosts. One half to two thirds of cases of symptomatic infection are related with AIDS. The disease can spread rapidly throughout lungs and disseminate to extrapulmonary sites, especially the meninges in immunocompromised patients.
Histopathologically, immunocompetent patients show granulomatous response, such as non-caseating granulomas or extensive caseation. In immunocompromised patients, intact alveolar spaces become filled with yeasts.

# Radiographic findings :
1) solitary or multiple nodular densities
2) segmental or lobar consolidation
3) cavitation within nodule (10-15%)
4) hilar & mediastinal lymphadenopathy, pleural effusion
5) in AIDS patients, nodules are uncommon and mediastinal & hilar lymphadenopathy is frequent.

# Diagnosis : Definite diagnosis is based on identification of characteristic yeast-like organism with capsule in tissue or fluid with India ink, silver or mucicarmine stain, together with cultural confirmation. In AIDS patients, BAL often will demonstrate organisms cytologically or by culture.

# Treatment: Do not need treatment, but amphotericin B, flucytosine is required in disseminated disease.
1. Sarosi GA. Cryptococcal pneumonia. Semin. Respir. Infect. 1997 Mar; 12(1): 50-3
2. Woodring JH, Ciporkin G, Lee C, Worm B, Woolley S. Pulmonary cryptococcosis. Semin. Roentgenology. 1996 Jan; 31(1): 67-75
3. Friedman EP, Miller RF, Severn A, Williams IG, Shaw PJ. Cryptococcal pneumonia in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Clin. Radiol. 1995 Nov; 50(11): 756-60
Lung, Infection, Fungal infection, immune related,

No. of Applicants : 23

▶ Correct Answer : 10/23,  43.5%
  • - CHU Nancy-Brabois, France Denis Regent
  • - Ewha Womans' University, Mokdong Hospital, Korea Kyung Soo Cho
  • - Hanyang University Hospital, Korea Yo Won Choi
  • - Harasanshin hospital, Fukuoka, Japan Shunya Sunami
  • - Inha hospital, Sungnam, Korea Sung Su Byun
  • - Ospedale di Jesi, Italy Giancarlo Passarini
  • - Pulmonologist, Korea Jae-Joon Yim
  • - Samsung Medical Center, Korea Young Cheol Yoon
  • - Stedelijk OLV Ziekenhuis Mechelen, Belgium Ivan Pilate
  • - Sungji Hospital, Korea Jung Hee Kim
▶ Semi-Correct Answer : 8/23,  34.8%
  • - Choong-ju Hospital Konkuk University, Korea Chang Hee Lee
  • - Daejeon Sun Hospital, Korea Dong Jip Na
  • - Gochang Hospital, Korea Jiyong Rhee
  • - Gospel Hospital Kosin University, Korea Kyung Hwa Jung
  • - Inha University Hospital, Korea Dong-Jae Shim
  • - Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Korea Donghee Park
  • - Masan Yeonse Hospital, Korea Sang Hee Lee
  • - Sctimst, Trivandrum, India Rajendran Vilvendhan
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Copyright of the Images is in the KSTR and Original Supplier.
Current Editor : Sang Young Oh, M.D., Ph.D Email : sangyoung.oh@gmail.com

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